Molly the Cat

April 20th, 2002 at 7:34 pm ]

Soon after I woke up this morning I elected to have a bowl of cereal. It is a granola variety by Trader Joe’s which I eat with rice milk. So tasty. It nearly causes me to be excited about breakfast, a meal I often don’t care for much. I probably should’ve known Molly would get excited, though. She finished off the rice milk after I’d eaten my fill, along with the cereal bits. We all know that kittens like to drink milk; I guess they will drink liquids that look vaguely like milk, too.

Later, I was preparing a salad and had some cherry tomatoes. Molly displayed an intense interest in the tomatoes. It seemed that she wanted to eat one. I thought it would be a funny story to tell (The Story of the Cat Who Ate Cherry Tomatoes) so I gave her one, expecting her to squirt juice on the linoleum. But instead she took it over to the litter box and played with the tomato until it became coated with litter. Then she lost it somehow. I think it may be behind the trash can. Well, at least I gave her an over-ripe tomato that I didn’t want to eat anyway.

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