Molly the Cat

July 5th, 2002 at 12:12 pm ]

I love hilarity. My car is parked just outside and below the living room window. Its windshield is angled such that the noonday sun hits it and is reflected up onto my living room ceiling. Now the thing to note is that Molly has a frantic obsession with light of all sorts. My laser toy causes quite a bit of insanity when I pick it up and point it at objects. But Molly also loves light reflections from cars, mirrors, CD cases, and other reflective whatnots, these usually sitting in sunshine and reflecting onto the ceiling, frustratingly. I think much of Molly’s interest in these light reflections stems from their absolute and utter inaccessibility, for try as she might her kitten muscles cannot propel her 8 feet up to the ceiling. If it was physically possible, obviously that would be a sight to behold. I can imagine a small kitten pouncing and flinging herself all around the room, defying gravity.

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