Molly the Cat

May 7th, 2002 at 6:40 pm ]

Molly learned a lesson the hard way.

Whenever I’m pottering around in the kitchen — an activity which includes opening and closing the refrigerator — Molly likes to stick her head in the fridge and sniff at all the perishable foods. That got tiresome and, frankly, disruptive to my cooking. My cooking is already distressingly pathetic. An overcurious cat made it that much worse.

The opportunity to quickly train Molly presented itself recently, and I took it. She had climbed entirely into the fridge and was stepping on my pita bread. She thought it was a great place to be. Then I allowed the door to close. Yep, I shut my kitten in the fridge. Well, Molly thought that sucked, and she let me know vocally. After about five seconds I let her out…

That was a week ago. Molly has stayed very far away from the refrigerator ever since.

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