‘Round and ’round she goes; where she’ll stop, nobody knows. Molly is restless tonight and is pacing without cease. Meanwhile Twinkie and I sit on separate couches, looking at each other. Actually, it’s kind of weird.
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Li’l Poops a.k.a. Molly is sitting on the edge of the couch, staring at the ceiling. She’s hoping to spot some reflected light. Ideally these would be moving reflections, which are much more lively prey than stationary reflections and are therefore irresistible. If she sees some moving light, Li’l Poops will crane her neck upwards and whine a faint meow. She knows she can’t catch those reflections, but they fascinate her so.
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I’ve noticed an odd new habit that Molly has picked up somehow. As with so many things, it all starts with nothing more than innocent fun. Molly enjoys being chased around the apartment, but eventually such pastimes can become tiresome. To conclude a game of chase, it is necessary to crouch in a strategic hiding-place so as to avoid the searching eye of the chaser. Well, Molly hides under the La-Z-Boy like so: she flattens herself against the floor, and cleverly scoots underneath the chair until her head is well concealed. Unfortunately her entire body remains visible. This behavior does indeed end the game, but only because of the ensuing hilarity.
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The cats have been sleeping together on my bed. Can they tell I’m sick? Are they there to comfort me as I cough and sniffle during the night?
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